In the Land of Light and Sun
become we Liars, every one.
Infants cry the Truth in Tongues;
Infants cry, and Liars come.
Infants cry, and Liars come.

In the Song that goes unsung
are Verses written, heard by none,
within the Word where all’s begun.
The Word that Was was never done.
The Word that Was was never done.

What have we left, if not the Truth?
The Devil drags us, Nail and Tooth.

Our Pride we dress in Filth and Rags;
by Tooth and Nail the Devil drags.

In the Land of Tears and Toil
the Shepherd’s Servants seed his Soil.
We water it with Flame and Oil;
the Truth we sought, we fence and foil.
The Truth we sought, we fence and foil.

In the Book of What Must Be
are Chapters missing, One and Three.
Taken from our Histories
are where to start, and what to be.
Where to start and what to be?

The struts of Time have all come loose:
the Devil drags us, Nail and Tooth.

Joy comes marked with Numbered Tags;
by Tooth and Nail the Devil drags.

In the Land of Coming Dusk
to cool our throats, we choke on Dust.
Though desperate is our final thrust,
we yet fall short; we make no Cut.
We yet fall short; we make no Cut.

In the Screams of Us who Leave
are lost Demands, no Ears to reach.
Why should it be, we thus beseech,
that Death crawls forward, Life retreats?
Death crawls forward, Life retreats.

Deny us, then, and watch us Choose,
as the Devil drags us, Nail and Tooth,

but Condemnation’s weight has flagged
as Tooth and Nail, the Devil Drags.