Am I the Editor You Need?

Writing anything of substance can be a long, lonely journey for an aspiring author. You’re pouring your soul into a document that no one but you is reading. Is it good? Does it make sense? Are people going to care about it when it’s finished? Will anyone publish it? Not knowing the answers to those questions is discouraging and, especially over the span of a long manuscript, can completely demoralize a writer with no support system.

I know this because I’ve been there. I know the difference even a single interested reader can make in the level of motivation you’re able to sustain from prologue to epilogue, and I want to be that reader for you. I want to be that enthusiastic little push you need to finish your manuscript with confidence and pride.

Every aspiring writer with respect for the craft deserves a fair shot. Not many get one. A lot of talent is lost and underdeveloped, lacking nothing more than a little encouragement and some friendly guidance.

If that sounds like you, I’d like to make you a simple offer.

Do you have a piece of unpublished writing you’re just dying to perfect? Finished or unfinished, fiction or nonfiction, from a single-page poem to the latest volume of your epic multi-part series, if you feel like you’re onto something but you’re not sure what to do with it, consider letting me take a look at it for you.

In return, and at absolutely no cost whatsoever to you, I will give your work the gentle but educated analysis it deserves. Whether you’re ready to start stamping out those typos or just want some friendly feedback on the quality of your story, I’ll give you my honest but painless assessment of what might be your next best step, and from that moment on you’ll have the writing buddy you need to help you stay motivated until the end.

And yes, I said what you think I said – my services as a beta reader are free of charge, not just once but for as long as you find my assistance helpful. Send me your newest chapter or your latest revision, and I’ll happily provide my ongoing assessments until you stop asking for them. You pay nothing.

If at any point you decide you would like more than my opinion – i.e. you’d like my help with developmental or line editing – I have even more good news for you. I don’t charge very much for my editing skills, and I work hard for your money. I’ll help you get your manuscript publication-ready no matter what your publishing plans are, so that when you finally put your finished work into a reader’s hands you can be sure it’s the best possible version of that work.

Sound good? You can initiate the whole process, for free, just by visiting my Read Request page and sending me a simple message. You’re under no obligation to continue the relationship beyond the level that’s most useful to you, and when you stop asking for my input I stop emailing you – no spam, no marketing emails, just genuine one-on-one emails with a fellow writer who understands your pain.